KENNETH ELLIOT: Sea Nine VEBA Important: As of August 23,2013, the IRS has closed audits of 12 Sea Nine VEBA plan-participating taxpayers who were referred to Sea Nine by Sarva. For...

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sea Nine VEBA Important

As of August 23,2013, the IRS has closed audits of 12 Sea Nine VEBA plan-participating taxpayers who were referred to Sea Nine by Sarva. For those taxpayers alone , the IRS assessed a total of $4,852,106in additional taxes, or an average additional tax of $404,342 per audit. Because Sarva has acknowledged directing atleast  40 of his customers to Sea Nine , the total amount of harm to the Treasury he has caused through promotion of improper VEBA plans is likely almost four times higher.


  1. he IRS and U.S. Department Justice Department have a special relationship with welfare benefit plan promoters and the brokers and insurance agents that sell them. They hate them. For over a decade, the IRS has declared that many welfare benefit plans are fraudulent and abusive tax shelters. Many of the promoters are now out of business or under criminal investigation (or both). Last month’s announcement by DOJ of new enforcement actions within the “industry” therefore comes as no surprise. The customers who bought these plans, however, might be in for a rude awakening. Huge taxes and maybe even criminal prosecution.Sea Nine VEBA Important
    As of August 23,2013, the IRS has closed audits of 12 Sea Nine VEBA plan-participating taxpayers who were referred to Sea Nine by Sarva. For those taxpayers alone , the IRS assessed a total of $4,852,106in additional taxes, or an average additional tax of $404,342 per audit. Because Sarva has acknowledged directing atleast 40 of his customers to Sea Nine , the total amount of harm to the Treasury he has caused through prom

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