Abusive Tax Shelters & 419 Plans Lawsuits: 412i Tax Shelter Fraud Litigation - How It Works

Abusive Tax Shelters & 419 Plans Lawsuits: 412i Tax Shelter Fraud Litigation - How It Works: Lance Wallach   PARTIES: Typically, these transactions will include an Insurance company, accountant, tax attorney, and a promoter ...

  1. 412i Plans Attacked by IRS, Lawsuits - HGExperts.com


    IRS has been attacking abusive 412i plans for years. Business men have been suing the insurance agents who sold the plans. The IRS has attacked 412i, 419 ...
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  2. Abusive 412(i) Tax Shelter Litigation - Pittman, Dutton & Hellums


    412(iplan differs from other defined benefit pension plans in that it must be funded exclusively by the purchase of individual life insurance products. To create  ...

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